The YPHSIG executive are the leadership team and consists of our convenor, secretary and treasurer. The team are nominated and elected by the membership at the AGM and their term of office is three years.
Convenor - Dr Hannah Baynes
Hannah Baynes is a Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in Young Person’s Health based at King’s College Hospital in London. She co leads the King’s Adolescent Outreach Service (KAOS), which is a service designed to improve the experience of young adults on adult inpatient wards.
She is a member of the Association of Young People’s Health (AYPH) Advisory Council and as a part of this role attends the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Young Person’s Health. As a member of the YPHSIG steering group she co led on the production of the joint RCPCH Conference 2021 session with BAPA/BACAPH, working also with RCPCH&Us to develop a truly young person centred discussion.
In her spare time Hannah enjoys walking, holidaying in warm climes and has a penchant for cheese!
Hannah is really looking forward to stepping into the role of Convenor and working with the amazing YPHSIG steering group, members and others nationally who are passionate about improving care for this remarkable group of people.
You can follow Hannah on twitter: @hlb27
Secretary - Dr Natasha Sauven
Natasha Sauven is a consultant community paediatrician based in Truro, Cornwall who also has a special interest in Young Person’s health. She is the paediatric lead for eating disorders and obesity in Truro. She has been part of the transition collaborative cohort 4 for NHSE and is hoping to improve transition care for young people in Cornwall.
She has previously worked in Vancouver as an adolescent fellow and done RCPCH fellowships in Sierra Leone as well as working in South Africa.
In her spare time she runs around after her 3 children (aged 8, 6 and 3 years), and enjoys running, walking the coast paths and surfing (very badly)!
Natasha has already been in post a few months and is loving the opportunities provided by the YPHSIG team!
Deputy Secretary - Dr Vhari Forsyth
Vhari Forsyth has undertaken training in both South London and Sydney and has a specialist interest in adolescent health. She completed an fellowship in adolescent medicine in Sydney, Australia and returned to the UK to complete her training. She is currently on maternity leave but still involved from afar. She hopes to help interest and motivate other trainees to seek further experience in this field to help promote the importance of the health of this cohort. She is very excited to be a part of YPHSIG and undertake new challenges in this role.
Treasurer - Dr Fiona Straw
Dr Fiona Straw is the YPHSIG Treasurer, she has been a Consultant Community Paediatrician at Nottingham Children’s Hospital since 2002. She has a special interest in young people’s health, in particular sexual health. Since April 2018, Fiona has been the service lead for East Midlands Children and Young People’s Sexual Abuse Service.
Past Convenor- Dr Terry Segal
Dr Terry Segal has been a consultant in general paediatrics and adolescent medicine at UCLH since 2007. She is also subspecialty trained in paediatric and adolescent endocrinology. She was the adolescent lead and clinical lead for adolescent medicine and the TRACCS service (treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents with complex conditions service) for 10 years.
Terry trained in Bristol University and after returning to London, she undertook postgraduate Paediatric, adolescent and endocrinology training. She also did additional psychological training at the Tavistock centre. She is particularly interested in working with young people with problems such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, medically unexplained problems, and those with chronic pain and emotional difficulties. She is passionate about improving young peoples physical and mental health, and really enjoys working in a multidisciplinary team.
Terry is asked to speak at national meetings and has published papers in the areas of obesity, pubertal delay, CFS and acne. She has organised several adolescent courses including a very successful CFS course. In her spare time, she looks after her (adolescent!) children and plays tennis. She is excited about becoming convenor of YPHSIG and working with others around the country to raise the voices speaking out with and for adolescents to improve their health.
Past Secretary - Dr Emma Parish
Dr Emma Parish is a paediatric consultant in general paediatrics and adolescent health at Evelina London Children's Hospital. She is passionate about person-centred and co-created care. Emma studied and worked in Dundee before moving to East London for paediatric training. She has completed a fellowship in Post Graduate Medical Education at Great Ormond Street Hospital and was previously Editorial Registrar at the BMJ as a National Medical Director's Fellow.
Twitter: @ejparish